Tuesday, July 30, 2019


i have a bunch of tabs open with podcasts and such and my old ass laptop can't handle it so i'm parking them all here til i figure out what to do with them

i just changed the font size to huge because i am old

now with descriptions

Subgenius Hour of Slack
Rev. Ivan Stang talkin boolsheet, Hail Eris

Inner Sanctum Archive
Orange wedges, glass coffee tables, and Chico needed the money

Vidya gaems and such

Thank God for Stephanie Sterling

Purple Stuff Podcast
Dinosaur Dracula and Sludge Central chit chat about nonsense

Does what it says on the tin

Song vs. Song
Dueling ditties with Todd & Alina

Trashy movie chit chat

Classic Hollywood deep dives that is often deeply depressing

Plan 9 by 9
Bullshitting about Plan 9 From Outer space in 9 minute chunks

Talking about the Marx Brothers for a very long time
Beautiful noises for your disgusting ears

Night Vale horror movie reviews

Milk & Cheese horror movie reviews

moar pretty ear noizes
A university for your garbage brain

Power Moves
Play stupid games, win stupid prizes

When are we Now
Billboard charty stuff

Pure Cinema Podcast
Film nerd bloviating


Witches are cool

Damn Fine Podcast
Twin Peaks rewatch companion

Old Time Radio Stuff
Candy Matson, YUkon 2-8209
feel free to enjoy